Learning through PLAY!

Many times parents and visitors to a pre-school class believe the children are just playing all day and not learning. I want to take a moment to share that at this age, children learn through play.

Learning through play is a concept in education and psychology that emphasizes how children learn by engaging in playful activities. Here are some key points:

  • Natural Curiosity and Exploration: Learning through play harnesses children’s innate curiosity and playful nature. It encourages them to explore, create, and discover.

  • Holistic Development: Play helps children develop social, cognitive, physical, and communication skills simultaneously. It’s not just about academic learning; it’s about the whole child1.

  • Executive Function Skills: Through play, children practice critical executive function skills like problem-solving, self-regulation, and decision-making.

  • Lifelong Love of Learning: Play sparks creativity and inspires a lifelong love of learning. It lays the foundation for a happier, healthier life.

Remember, play isn’t just another thing to do; it’s another way to do things.

Questions to parents:

What type of play does your child enjoy most?

What challenges or obstacles do you face when playing with your child?

While educators of younger children are already well versed in creating playful and joyful experiences to support educational goals, not everyone is as well versed. Please see the following link to learn more about learning through play.

Please visit Playful Learning to learn more.


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